Display Configuration
Portfolio allows you to customize how Searching displays and presents search results and individual item information to patrons. Portfolio provides several different types of displays to customize how search results are displayed, including search result displays, detail displays, and My List displays. Search result displays are the settings that control the data that appears when Portfolio displays a list of search results to the patron. Detail displays are the settings that control the data that appears when Portfolio displays catalog information for a single library item to the patron. My List displays are the settings that control the data that appears when Portfolio displays a patron's temporary or saved lists.
All displays are associated with specific Discovery search targets. When you configure a display, you choose the search fields that will appear for an item. The search fields that are available for you to enable depend on the search fields that you have previously set up and whether those search fields have been enabled for that search target. For more information, see Managing search fields and Managing Discovery search targets. Once you associate a display with a search target, you can then assign that search target to one or more profiles or rooms. Portfolio will display the associated display whenever patrons search against the specified search target.
When users search multiple search targets, and the search results include hits from a Discovery search target that does not have a detail display, users will see the content for the Discovery search target’s search result display when they try to view detailed information for those hits. |
The Discovery administrator database metadata is cached in the Discovery Server application. Any of the following changes to displays will require the metadata cache to be refreshed. For more information, see Viewing Portfolio version information
- Adding, editing, or removing a search result display, detail display, or My Lists display
- Configuring the fields for a search result display
- Selecting or the changing search results display, the detail display, or the My Lists display for a profile
This section explains these topics: